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Open Source Contributions



A tool developed to automate setup and development of our core product on both development machines using minikube and remote Kubernetes clusters alike

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This suite of interdependent systems that together manage the Policy management system for an insurance company.

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EDS/Print to Post

This is a complex enterprise application and framework to provide a simplified workflow for send out mail to clients and other third parties.

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Healthy Schools Programme website

This was a massive enterprise scale webB application servicing all schools across all of England and Wales. The system provided was a self validation and tracking platform to improve the health and wellbeing of schools and pupils. This platform had massive reporting and a strict hierarchical security model.

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PEX Suite - system extension suite

This is a suite of applications that can be centrally deployed and expand the native capabilities of Proclaim (Case management software).

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This is a cli/web package and configuration manager for Kubernetes applications made up of multiple distinct but interdependent services.

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Open Source Contributions


A cli for exposing the services and ingresses of a Kubernetes cluster to be accessible from the users local machine.

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Image Sharp

ImageSharp is a new, fully featured, fully managed, cross-platform, 2D graphics API. Think System.Drawing but sane.

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IsValid is a library for validating values against different specifications, which includes things like mobile phone numbers from various locales, credit card numbers, IP addresses etc.

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Track dirty state of forms and prevent navigation away.

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Performance Tester Framework

A simplified unit testing/benchmark framework using VSTest to execute performance testings and extract statistics from the results.

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SixLabors Fonts

ImageSharp is a new, fully featured, fully managed, cross-platform, 2D graphics API. Think System.Drawing but sane.

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GraphQL CodeGen

A template driven code generator for converting graphql queries into a strongly typed classes for both TypeScript and C#.

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Nifty tech tag lists fromĀ Wouter Beeftink